Integrated ultrafast and nonlinear photonics

Ultrafast lasers are light sources that generate intense and coherent ultrashort optical pulses on picosecond and femtosecond timescales. Despite being a workhorse in laboratory experiments for fundamental studies, many ultrafast light sources, such as mode-locked lasers, remain impractical for daily use due to their bulky size, high cost, and substantial power consumption. The transformation of table-top ultrafast photonic systems into compact, chip-scale platforms holds the potential to unlock a myriad of exciting new applications, such as on-chip photonic coherent computing, quantum sensing, and portable imaging tools for healthcare.

A major hurdle that impedes the realization of chip-scale ultrafast photonic systems is the absence of energy-efficient and reconfigurable optical nonlinearity, which is crucial for optical pulse formation, wavelength conversion, information processing, and frequency stabilization. We aim to tackle this outstanding challenge by leveraging emerging integrated photonic platforms with strong and reconfigurable quadratic optical nonlinearity, with the ultimate goal of developing highly efficient, reconfigurable on-chip ultrafast photonic systems. We will also harness the exotic nonlinear optical phenomena to enable new capabilities in quantum sensing and ultrafast all-optical information processing, which are beyond reach by conventional methods.

Further reading:

[1] Guo, Q., Gutierrez, B.K., Sekine, R., Gray, R.M., Williams, J.A., Ledezma, L., Costa, L., Roy, A., Zhou, S., Liu, M. and Marandi, A.Ultrafast mode-locked laser in nanophotonic lithium niobate. Science, 382, pp.708-713. (2023)

[2] Guo, Q., Sekine, R., Ledezma, L., Nehra, R., Dean, D.J., Roy, A., Gray, R.M., Jahani, S. and Marandi, A.,. Femtojoule femtosecond all-optical switching in lithium niobate nanophotonics. Nature Photonics, 16, pp.625-631. (2022)

[3] Nehra, R., Sekine, R., Ledezma, L., Guo, Q., Gray, R.M., Roy, A. and Marandi, A., 2022. Few-cycle vacuum squeezing in nanophotonics. Science, 377, pp.1333-1337. (2022)

[4] Ledezma, L., Sekine, R., Guo, Q., Nehra, R., Jahani, S. and Marandi, A. Intense optical parametric amplification in dispersion-engineered nanophotonic lithium niobate waveguides. Optica, 9, pp.303-308. (2022)

[5] Sekine, R., Gray, R.M., Ledezma, L., Zhou, S., Guo, Q. and Marandi, A., 2023. Multi-octave frequency comb from an ultra-low-threshold nanophotonic parametric oscillator. arXiv:2309.04545. (2023)

[6] Ledezma, L., Roy, A., Costa, L., Sekine, R., Gray, R., Guo, Q., Nehra, R., Briggs, R.M. and Marandi, A. Octave-spanning tunable infrared parametric oscillators in nanophotonics. Science Advances, 9, p.eadf9711 (2023).

Next-generation thermal vision technologies

According to Planck’s law, everything on the planet gives off thermal emissions — a form of electromagnetic radiation in the mid-infrared (mid-IR) spectrum. As such, mid-IR/thermal imagers can grant us the ability to “see” through obscurants and darkness without the need for active illumination. However, an intriguing and pivotal scientific question remains unanswered: Can thermal imaging alone enable target recognition and autonomous driving at night?

In defense missions, such a fully passive thermal vision technology is critical. This is because active illuminations such as conventional LIDAR systems allow adversaries to detect a vehicle’s presence. This technology requires a bevy of novel mid-IR sensors and imagers that are capable of gathering multi-dimensional information contained in ambient thermal emissions at room temperature with a fast response speed.

To this end, we aim to (1) discover unusually strong and low-noise photo-thermo-electrical effects in semiconductors and their heterostructures, and (2) redefine the architectures of long-wavelength mid-IR imagers.  We are also interested in pursuing new device concepts to enable single-photon mid-IR detection at room temperature.

Further reading:

[1] Guo, Q., Yu, R., Li, C., Yuan, S., Deng, B., García de Abajo, F.J. and Xia, F. Efficient electrical detection of mid-infrared graphene plasmons at room temperature. Nature Materials, 17, pp.986-992. (2018)

[2] Chen, C., Li, C., Min, S., Guo, Q., Xia, Z., Liu, D., Ma, Z. and Xia, F., 2021. Ultrafast silicon nanomembrane microbolometer for long-wavelength infrared light detection. Nano Letters, 21, pp.8385-8392.

[3] Yu, R., Guo, Q., Xia, F. and de Abajo, F.J.G., 2018. Photothermal engineering of graphene plasmons. Physical Review Letters, 121(5), p.057404.

[4] Guo, Q., Pospischil, A., Bhuiyan, M., Jiang, H., Tian, H., Farmer, D., Deng, B., Li, C., Han, S.J., Wang, H. and Xia, Q., 2016. Black phosphorus mid-infrared photodetectors with high gain. Nano Letters, 16, pp.4648-4655 (2016)

Quantum light-matter interactions

Light-matter interactions are ubiquitous in light detection, emission, and information processing. Traditionally, light is viewed as electromagnetic waves propagating at the speed of light, and the wavelengths are much longer than the typical size scales of electron wavefunctions in atoms. As a result, light-matter interactions are typically weak.

Such a traditional understanding can be challenged when considering the light-matter interactions in emerging 2-D quantum materials and their heterostructures. In these materials, electric dipoles (e.g., optical phonons, excitons, and plasmons) can be excited upon optical illumination, producing half-photon and half-matter quasi-particles called polaritons. These 2-D polariton modes greatly differ from photons in vacuum — they are confined to a wavelength scale of a few nanometers, propagating at extremely low group/phase velocities that are comparable to those of drifting electrons. In this scenario, the quantum mechanical nature of electrons and polaritons and their interactions becomes relevant. 

We are interested in investigating this new regime of light-matter interaction. Our goal is to harness the strong light-matter interaction behaviors to develop conceptually new devices for efficiently detecting, and generating mid-IR and THz light, as well as energy applications.

Further reading:

[1] Guo, Q., Esin, I., Li, C., Chen, C., Liu, S., Edgar, J.H., Zhou, S., Demler, E., Refael, G. and Xia, F. Hyperbolic phonon-polariton electroluminescence in graphene-hBN van der Waals heterostructures. arXiv:2310.03926. (2023)

[2] Guo, Q., Yu, R., Li, C., Yuan, S., Deng, B., García de Abajo, F.J. and Xia, F. Efficient electrical detection of mid-infrared graphene plasmons at room temperature. Nature Materials, 17, pp.986-992. (2018)

[3] Guo, Q., Guinea, F., Deng, B., Sarpkaya, I., Li, C., Chen, C., Ling, X., Kong, J. and Xia, F. Electrothermal control of graphene plasmon–phonon polaritons. Advanced Materials, 29, p.1700566. (2017)            


Our group closely collaborates with Prof. Andrea Alu’s group at CUNY ASRC.